HAECO stories

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Eric Cheng – Living in the magic of aviation

8 May 2024

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Wilfred Kwong - Daring to make his dream a reality

8 May 2024

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Rekha Nair – From supplier negotiations to victory paddles

7 February 2024

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Catherine Chan - A Passionate Defender of Safety and Quality

30 November 2023

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Cai Qixiong - Intertwining passions for aviation and photography

31 October 2023

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Sandra Nieuwenhuijzen - A vision focusing on people, growth and collaboration

26 September 2023

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Megan Johnson - Exploring new cultures and horizons

22 August 2023

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Jordan Thomas - Aviation enthusiast from a young age

31 July 2023

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Teresa Cheung - A diverse career makes anything possible

7 July 2023

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Jacqueline Jiang - A global perspective starting from the team

31 May 2023

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Devanshee Mishra - Finding a nurturing place to learn and grow

27 April 2023

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David Latimer - From aircraft mechanic to safety champion

27 April 2023

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