Megan Johnson - Exploring new cultures and horizons

Published date: August 22, 2023


(Featured: Megan Johnson, Special Projects Manager, HAECO Composite Services) 

Moving to a new country can be a life-changing and exhilarating experience, allowing you to discover new horizons, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories. Megan Johnson, born and raised in the United States, studied Medical Anthropology of Global Health and South Asian Languages and Literature (Hindi & Bengali). After working in positions dedicated to poverty alleviation for a few years, Megan made the decision to move to the Chinese Mainland to learn Chinese.

Passionate about international aid in impoverished communities around the world, Megan never could have imagined that she would work in the aviation industry. However, she embraced her current role as the Special Projects Manager at HAECO Composite Services (HCJ) located in Jinjiang, China. "My very first impression of HCJ was that everyone was genuinely welcoming and friendly. I distinctly remember that every morning when I walked into the office, everyone would stop what they were doing to greet me. This experience was invaluable because it made me feel recognized, appreciated, and welcome," said Megan.

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As the person responsible for various aspects of HCJ's operations, including business development, marketing and communications, and sustainable development, Megan cherishes the opportunity to grow and learn new things. "The beauty of joining an industry without any previous background knowledge is that, with work ethic and drive, you have endless opportunities to learn. However, above all, my favourite part has been the opportunity to develop lasting friendships with my local co-workers," Megan shared when asked about what she enjoys most about joining HAECO.

One of the most remarkable experiences in Megan's HAECO journey was a sustainable development project she initiated. She came up with the idea of transforming old scrap aircraft part shipping crates into a planter box in the shape of HAECO. Employees' families were invited to plant moss in the handcrafted planter box and trees in the surrounding plot, providing them with a hands-on experience of resource recycling and teaching the next generation about environmental conservation.

Additionally, Megan volunteered to teach bi-weekly interactive English lessons to low-income primary school students. At HAECO, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us by implementing sustainable practices and supporting local communities. Through our initiatives, we aim to create a better future for generations to come, fostering social and environmental responsibility.

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