Jacqueline Jiang - A global perspective starting from the team

Published date: May 31, 2023


(Featured: Jacqueline Jiang, Group Director Airframe Services, HAECO)

When we asked Group Director Airframe Services Jacqueline Jiang which word comes to mind when she thinks of HAECO, she came up with three words. 

“I love HAECO,” she gushed. 

Jacqueline’s career in HAECO has spanned over twenty years. While the first 23 years of her career development with the company was spent with the Commercial team in HAECO Xiamen, it was time well spent because it has led to her current position of overseeing HAECO’s airframe business globally. Prior to her current role, Jacqueline was responsible for HAECO’s Xiamen’s daily operations. 

“I am very grateful for the opportunities HAECO has given me over the years and most importantly, the vote of confidence from the senior management and the people I work with,” said Jacqueline. 

Spurred by her love for the English language and a strong desire to have a global mindset, high school Jacqueline dreamt of joining United Nations as a translator. She eventually joined an international trade firm after graduation but was not fulfilled because of her aspiration to get greater global exposure. All that changed when a job opportunity at Taikoo (Xiamen) Aircraft Engineering Company, now known as HAECO Xiamen came up. 

“It was overwhelming at first, joining an aircraft engineering company with no technical background but I have learnt that it’s ok to ask questions. HAECO employees are so willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Whether they are frontline staff or back-office colleagues, we are always aligned in our objectives and work together as a team to achieve results,” said Jacqueline. 

The people who have crossed paths with Jacqueline in her early days with the company have continued to support throughout her career. It is no wonder that Jacqueline is fiercely protective of HAECO employees. 

“Without our people, there would be no HAECO,” she emphasised. “When COVID hit the Chinese Mainland, we were determined not to lay off employees because their families also depended on us for survival. Thanks to everyone’s support, we were able to achieve cost-savings through other initiatives,” Jacqueline added. 

Work has certainly been hectic over the last few years because of heavier responsibilities but Jacqueline is undeterred by the associated challenges and pressure. 

“My current role as a member of the Group Leadership Team is very strategic so I need to adapt culturally when I address different entities. It’s paramount to have a clear grasp of the issues on hand, communicate effectively and work together as a team to overcome them,” said Jacqueline. 

Despite her hectic schedule, Jacqueline ensures she makes time to wind down and reflect.

“It’s important to slow down because we also play other roles outside of work. When I self-reflect, I always think about where I am, what I do and how I can be better. Winding down reminds me to stay true to myself.” said Jacqueline.

Wise words indeed from an exceptional HAECO woman. 

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