Rekha Nair – From Supplier Negotiations to Victory Paddles



Rekha is a dedicated supplier relationship professional who thrives in the dynamic environment of HAECO Inventory Technical Management. With a belief in the power of effective communication, collaboration, and strategic problem-solving, she tackles challenges head-on and navigates partnerships to secure the best interests of HAECO.

In her pivotal role, Rekha manages relationships with key suppliers, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and repairers. Skilled in contract management and negotiation, she ensures favorable terms, competitive pricing, and priority access to stocks. With a vision of a long and fulfilling career in aviation procurement, Rekha aspires to make a meaningful contribution to shaping the future of the industry.

"Supplier relationship management encompasses various aspects, from negotiating pricing to securing better terms and priority access to stocks," explains Rekha, shedding light on her role.


Rekha's pursuit of excellence extends beyond her professional endeavours. She is passionate about dragon boat racing and was a member of the winning team last year, earning them a coveted trophy in the annual festival competition. Motivated by this achievement, she aims to assemble an all-women team, uniting and empowering female talents within HAECO through the sport.

"Mutual respect and diversity are two of HAECO's core values. These principles not only foster stronger teams at work but also extend beyond the workplace," says Rekha, emphasizing the importance of her connections with colleagues.

By embracing her passions, cultivating strong connections, and pursuing personal and professional growth, Rekha embodies the spirit of a true leader. She consistently brings out the best in her team and serves as an inspiration for those around her, encouraging them to strive for new heights.


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